DIY Three-Ingredient Facemask

DIY Three-Ingredient Facemask

Photo by Dorcy Castillo


Keeping your face looking its best should always be a top priority. However, with our busy schedules, I don’t blame you if you fall behind on getting a much-needed facial. But if you’re like me and lack time in your day to sneak away to a spa and sip on a glass of champagne to get a luxurious treatment, you might be in luck. This three-ingredient facemask is great for colder months when your face tends to dry out. It rejuvenates like no other and leaves your face with an amazing glow.

Modeling the facemask is my amazing sister, Stephanie. The best part of having sisters is that they’re always there when you need a test bunny.

To start, add two parts oatmeal, one part honey and one part olive oil (sweet almond or coconut oil also works). When the ingredients mix together, you get a mushy, gooey, sticky glob. If you notice that it’s too clumpy, feel free to add water until you get to a desired consistency. When I came across this natural DIY mask online, a lot of people suggested grinding the oatmeal finely in a blender or food processor, however I decided to use the whole grain. You can go either way with this, I feel like it didn’t make much of a difference, but feel free to prove me wrong.

What makes this mask amazing is its natural ingredients. The oatmeal is used as a natural cleanser that gently removes the dirt and oil from your pores. If you suffer from severe acne, this cleanser will serve you well. Oatmeal also removes dead skin cells and soaks up the oil that accumulates over time.

I rubbed the mixture into Stephanie’s face in a circular motion and got under her eyes and cheeks. But what I really wanted to focus on were the blackheads on her nose. Blackheads, as we know, are widened hair follicles filled with debris, bacteria, and oil; everything oatmeal tackles. The gentle scrub massaged smoothly onto her skin while scrubbing dead cells off her face.

Now, if you’re concerned that the oatmeal may be taking too much out of your skin and leaving it dry and flaky, don’t be. The olive oil offers that balance and not only moistures your skin but also softens it. When I first realized that olive oil is an active ingredient in this mask, I was a bit hesitant that it would be too heavy on my face but it actually turned out to be light and not greasy at all. After washing it off, I noticed that rather than lying on top of the Stephanie’s skin, the oil merely seeped under. Allowing you to feel the difference but not actually see it.

You’re going to scrub the mixture onto  your face for two minutes; let it set for another five minutes before giving it a second, quick scrub. Wash off completely and dry with a soft, warm towel. Again, you don’t see much of a difference immediately, however, you definitely feel it. Stephanie’s exact remark after we got done was “ my face is as soft as a baby’s bottom.” Okay, a bit cliché, but hey, it’s true!

The honey plays a key role in hydrating, clarifying and nourishing the skin. I don’t know about you, but my face can definitely benefit from a weekly dose of nourishment. Honey also reduces the appearance of scars and blemishes.

See the fun photos we took of the entire process and let me know what you think of this three-ingredient facemask in the comments below.

11 thoughts on “DIY Three-Ingredient Facemask

  1. I’m so glad you tried this out and liked it! I’ve been meaning to make a face mask but I’ve been having trouble trusting any of these gooey substances. Although it sounds weird to put oatmeal on your face–I think I’ll try it!


  2. This is amazing! My roommate works at LUSH and I know they have a lot of similar products that use oats and oils for your skin! If you haven’t gotten into LUSH then you definitely should!


  3. i love this! i’m all into skin care and have a whole closet worth of facial masks. This is going to be something I’ll have to try next. Did you notice if the olive oil left your skin feeling oily at all? I never knew honey could reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes, seeing as i have my fair share of blemishes I’m definitely going to have to try this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The olive oil did not leave her skin oily at all! This was also a concern of mine, however, we found that the oil only helps in making your face feel real smooth and soft. Let me know how it works out when you try it!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I have never heard of doing this kind of mask before, now I am going to! I have done quite a few natural masks that say they will clear up blackheads, but now I am definitely going to try this one!


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